Sunday, July 15, 2007


OK, the point of this new blog is to write about the new project I'm working on, so I should start with a bit of an intro. My project uses Silverlight which is a new technology from Microsoft, so of course it's all about giving users a rich, compelling experience. But seriously, folks.

Silverlight is a browser plug in for IE and Firefox on Windows, and Firefox and Safari on the Mac. No Firefox Linux version from Microsoft, but Miguel and his team are filling that hole. Silverlight is a lot like Flash, but it includes a lightweight .NET runtime so I can write in C# and use much of the .NET class library. It uses XAML as the markup language, so for me it's a good opportunity to get into that in preparation for the Great Vista Migration.

I've noticed a strong correlation over the years between the amount of boredom I feel at work and how productive I am at home. My last job was great so my energy and attention went into that, and I pretty much stopped blogging and writing code at home. But now sheesh I'm so bored at work, so it was time to fill the gap that leaves in me. When I heard about Silverlight it seemed the perfect technology to implement an idea I had many years ago and have never got around to making. And it is! I'll write about the new project in my next post.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

An inauspicious beginning

Well I was going to start my new blog today, but my project went so well that I think I deserve a session of Desktop Tower Defense instead. Maybe tomorrow.

Edit: Woohoo - finished the level!